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Rich Greenblatt Group at Bass Hall in Peterborough NH

  • Monadnock Center for History and Culture 19 Grove st Peterborough, NH 03458 (map)
    1. This Saturday evening, the much sought after but rarely seen "White Oak Tree'(I mean) the Rich Greenblatt Group will be performing a concert at the beautiful and acoustically, excellent Bass Hall, in Peterborough NH at the Monadnack Center for History and Culture.

      The band is fantastic! Rick DiMuzio saxophones, Mark Shilansky piano, Keala Kaumeheiwa bass and Steve Langone drums. We'll perform compositions from my newest CD ' My Take' plus music from past CD's and Miles, Bird and the British Invasion.The potential for a special concert is there.

      Please come by if you're in the area.

      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Rich Greenblatt      Group 

      1. Rick DiMuzio-saxes

        Mark Shilansky-piano

        Keala Kaumeheiwa-bass

        Steve Langone-drums